Groceries Apparel

Groceries Apparel was founded by Matthew Boelk and Rob Lohman to redefine transparency and human responsibility by supporting family farms, localized manufacturing, living wages, and GMO-free, organic ingredients. 
Photo: LA Times 
All of Groceries Apparel's products are manufactured in their own California-based factory, which employs seventy talented sewers, cutters, designers, and marketers. The company uses 100% organic and recycled textiles including: Organic Cotton, Eucalyptus, Hemp, Recycled Cotton, and Recycled Plastic. They use farm-direct sourcing to ensure that family farms receive the support they need to grow the ingredients without the use of toxic chemicals or GMO-seeds. They have purchased over two million yards of these environmentally and community supportive fabrics since the company started in 2010. 

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