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Give And Save

We are thankful for you. It is your love and support that allows us to promote Ethical Fashion. This has been a stressful year, and there will likely be more challenging times ahead. We would like to leverage this weekend of giving to support a cause dear to our hearts—protecting the environment.  From Friday through Cyber Monday, we invite you to Give And Save. Take an extra 20% off your entire purchase with Promo Code GIVEANDSAVE. We will match the amount you saved, and donate it to the Natural Resources Defense Council, a non-profit organization that works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. We hope that you will join our cause by...

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Belvele Insider Perks

We like you a lot. You are reading this, so we can already tell that you are clever, stylish, and interested in ethical shopping. Let us give you special treatment for being so awesome.  If you haven't already signed up for our mailing list, you must do so NOW. Rumor has it, Belvele Insiders will receive a super special perk this month! And aside from special discounts, signing up ensures you are the first to learn about our informative blog posts, giveaways, and new arrivals. So what are you waiting for??? ENTER YOUR EMAIL BELOW

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